Photo of Dr. Karin Vandervoort seated in a leather chair.


Are you or someone you love in a time of crisis, loss, or life change? Perhaps you have depression, anxiety, medical problems, or chronic pain? Maybe you are tired of repeating the same patterns alone or in your partnership?

Life can certainly be difficult. The truth is that we can make things easier or harder on ourselves when we are faced with external obstacles and internal pain. Sometimes we need help because it can feel terrible to go through challenging times alone, and we may feel stuck or overwhelmed. While seeking a therapist to talk about your pain is vulnerable, it is also an act of courage and determination.

Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.

— “Anthem” by Leonard Cohen


I’m Dr. Karin Vandervoort.

Over the last twenty years of working as a psychotherapist in the Bay Area, I have developed a multi-faceted approach to working with my clients as the whole people that they are. I am open-minded and work to balance curiosity with compassion and challenge with support in treating the difficulties that have led you to reach out—issues that at some time in life, so many of us have found too difficult to work through on our own. 

Together, we will work to help you find lasting relief, novel insight into even longstanding difficulties, and greater capacity for lively engagement with your own heart and mind, body and spirit, relationships and aspirations.


Get in touch.